  >  Expats Toolkit   >  Three Months Until Liftoff: Your Ultimate Pre-Departure Checklist
Countdown Checklist 3 Months Beofre Move

Relocating overseas is a thrilling adventure filled with the promise of new experiences and opportunities. But with just three months left before your big move, it’s crucial to get organized and prepared to ensure a smooth transition. Today, I’m sharing my ultimate pre-departure checklist to help you stay on track and stress-free. Moving abroad can be daunting, but with the right planning, it can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

Continuing the Purge

By now, you’ve probably tackled the big stuff, but it’s time to get ruthless with those smaller items. Go through that overflowing sock drawer and those “vintage” t-shirts from college. Have a garage sale, use online marketplaces, and remember less is more when it comes to international moving. The fewer items you bring, the less you’ll spend on shipping and the easier your move will be.

Deciding on Your Car

Most likely, your car won’t be coming with you. Research ways to sell it privately or through a dealership and have a plan ready for selling it and canceling your car insurance. If you have a lease, contact your leasing company to understand the return process and any penalties that might apply.

Registering for Residency

Look into registering for residency in your host country. Understand the process and any requirements well in advance. Finding an agency to assist with this process can be a lifesaver. Yes, there may be a fee, but it’s worth it to avoid the headache of figuring out all the documents required for translation and submission.

Watch EXPATS TOOLKIT on YouTube 

Expats Toolkit has created a YouTube channel offering real experiences of moving and living abroad. I will share details of how to go about deciding to move, transitioning into a new country, and many other helpful tips to make this process go smoothly.


Staying in Touch with Your Embassy

Stay connected with your home country’s embassy in your host country. Let them know you’re arriving and register with the STEP program for important updates. This ensures you’re informed about any safety information and can get assistance if needed.

Handling Taxes

Taxes can be a headache, but they are necessary. File your taxes for the year and research how you’ll handle them while abroad. Know the tax implications in your host country. If you work with someone who does your taxes, make sure they know your plans and understand foreign tax deductions and credit eligibility.

Setting Up Your Phone Service

Staying connected is vital. Set up an international phone plan or consider using a service like Google Voice. If you don’t want to switch to internet phone services, consider getting an international SIM card or eSIM. This will allow you to make and receive calls and texts upon arrival.

I have made a video about how to go about this process, so please watch HERE.

Managing Your Health

Don’t let your health take a backseat. Refill any prescriptions you need to avoid a medication scramble upon arrival. If you wear eyeglasses, get a copy of your prescription to take with you just in case you break your glasses and need to purchase a new pair. Visit the dentist for a cleaning and one final checkup. Make sure to get access to all medical records either digitally or in hard copy.


Researching Transportation

Research public transportation options in your host country and purchase passes in advance if possible. If they don’t have an app and require purchasing once you arrive, know where to go to make the purchase. This will save you time and stress when you first arrive.

Understanding Cultural Norms

Immerse yourself in the cultural norms of your host country. Understanding customs and etiquette will show respect and make your integration smoother. This is a crucial step to ensure you feel comfortable and welcome in your new home. Join Internations or social media expat groups for ways to connect with locals as well as those living there from abroad.

I created a video discussing how to navigate cultural differences. Click HERE.

Storing Sentimental Items

Can’t bear to part with those sentimental items? Look into secure storage options to keep them safe until your return. I scanned all my photo albums and stored them in a cloud. Many items related to my children, I passed on to them. It’s a great time to pass on cherished belongings to the next generation.

sentimental items

Accessing Your Favorite TV Shows

To help cope with homesickness, a great comfort is being able to watch TV programming from your home country. Make sure to purchase or bring a Firestick so that you can connect to your accounts like Netflix, Hulu, and Prime.

Setting Up Automatic Bill Payments

Set up automatic payments for any recurring bills you’ll still have back home, like subscriptions and storage units. I highly suggest that you set up everything as paperless billing to avoid missing any payments while you’re abroad.

With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a smooth and exciting move abroad. Remember, moving abroad can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. So, take a deep breath, follow this checklist, and embrace the adventure ahead.

If you are looking for more information about moving and living abroad, then visit Expats Toolkit.

If you want to read more, follow me on Facebook or Instagram.

If you are looking to travel and need some tips on places to visit, then follow me, Traveling Lens Photography, on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

Happy Adventures!

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