  >  Expats Toolkit   >  Car vs Public Transportation Guide for Living Abroad
car vs public transit

Stepping into a new culture and establishing your life abroad is an exhilarating yet challenging experience. One of the first obstacles you’ll encounter is navigating the daily commute. Deciding between relying on public transportation or taking the plunge and owning a car in a foreign country can feel like a daunting task. This decision hinges not only on personal preference but also on a variety of logistical factors unique to your chosen destination. Whether you envision yourself seamlessly integrating into the local transportation system or picture weekend getaways fueled by your own four wheels, this guide will equip you with the knowledge needed to make an informed decision about your transportation options. We’ll delve into the intricacies of evaluating public transportation systems, from analyzing their reliability and safety to understanding the associated costs and route coverage. Additionally, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of car ownership, including assessing its financial feasibility, evaluating your driving comfort in a new environment, and determining the level of flexibility a car can offer. By carefully considering these points, you’ll be well-equipped to choose the transportation method that best suits your lifestyle and allows you to seamlessly navigate your exciting life abroad.

public transportation

Let’s dissect the local public transportation options to determine if they’re the right fit for your lifestyle:


When traveling to a foreign country, it’s vital to research the available public transportation options before setting out on your journey. Understanding the different modes of transport, such as trains, buses, subways, and taxis, can save you time, money, and unnecessary stress.



Inquire about ticket prices for both single journeys and multi-day passes. Explore whether passes provide better value if you plan to use the system frequently. Assess how the cost fits into your overall budget. Determine how easy it is to purchase tickets or reload travel passes.


Watch EXPATS TOOLKIT on YouTube 

Expats Toolkit has created a YouTube channel offering real experiences of moving and living abroad. I will share details of how to go about deciding to move, transitioning into a new country, and many other helpful tips to make this process go smoothly.



Check if buses, trains, etc., adhere to their published schedules. Are delays very common? Consistent timing is crucial for commuting, appointments, and timeliness in general.



Examine a detailed map of the system’s routes. Do the lines conveniently reach your workplace, residence, grocery stores, and other essential locations? Consider the amount of walking or additional transport that might be necessary in conjunction with public transit options.


Route Options

When evaluating public transportation route options, consider several key factors for a positive experience. Prioritize routes with convenient stops near your accommodations and desired destinations. Look for services with frequent departure times throughout the day. Take note of how crowded the bus/train may be on these routes.

route options


How do you feel about using the system? Are stations, bus stops, and vehicles well-lit and maintained? Do you feel safe at different times of the day? Your sense of security is a key factor in choosing a transportation method.


The Case for Car Ownership

While public transportation often offers affordability and convenience, car ownership comes with some unique advantages. Consider these points to determine if having your vehicle is the smarter choice

car ownership


Analyze how easily you can reach your desired locations without relying on public transport routes. You will have the ability to set your own schedule and avoid bus and train timetables



While navigating a new city, owning a car can provide a sense of freedom and flexibility. Unlike public transportation, a car allows you to explore at your own pace, reach off-the-beaten-path destinations, and set your schedule. Whether it’s a spontaneous grocery run or a weekend getaway, a car eliminates reliance on timetables and potential route limitations.


Beyond the City

Think about your desire to explore. Are you interested in day trips, weekend getaways, or reaching areas that public transportation may not easily serve? Having a car will give you easy access to exploring other parts of the country, so plan it around your schedule.


Driving Comfort

You must honestly assess your comfort level with driving in a foreign country. This may involve different road rules, traffic patterns, and potentially driving on the opposite side of the road. Additionally, consider whether you can get an international driving permit or need to obtain a local license.

driving permit

Choosing the right transportation method during your time abroad is about finding the perfect balance between convenience, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and your overall comfort level. Don’t be afraid to try using public transportation at first; you might find it perfect for your needs. With careful analysis and consideration, you’ll unlock the best way to navigate and thrive in your new home!

If you are looking for more information about moving and living abroad, then visit Expats Toolkit.

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Happy Adventures!

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