  >  Expats Toolkit   >  How to Choose a Country for Living Abroad
Which Country

Are you dreaming of living abroad but feeling overwhelmed by the countless options available? Choosing the right country to call home is a crucial decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. From cultural compatibility to economic stability and personal preferences, there are several key aspects to contemplate before making your move. In this guide, we’ll explore some essential steps to help you narrow down your choices and find the perfect destination for your new life abroad.

Embarking on the journey of living abroad is an exciting prospect, filled with the promise of adventure, new experiences, and personal growth. However, it’s essential to approach this decision with careful consideration and realistic expectations. While some places may appear idyllic during a vacation, the reality of living there long-term can be vastly different. That’s why it’s crucial to dig deeper and ask yourself: why do you want to live abroad?

Determine the Reason Why of Your Move

Before diving into the planning process, take some time to reflect on your motivations for moving abroad. Are you seeking a change of scenery, career opportunities, cultural immersion, or a better quality of life? Understanding your reasons for wanting to live abroad will help you set clear goals and priorities for your relocation journey.

Once you’ve identified your motivations, it’s time to narrow down your options and focus on a few select countries. With so many enticing destinations to choose from, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the possibilities. To avoid decision paralysis, consider narrowing your choices to 2-4 countries that align with your preferences and priorities.


Planning A Scouting Trip

One effective strategy is to plan scouting trips to each of these countries, spending 3–4 weeks in each location to get a feel for the local lifestyle and culture. Renting an apartment during your stay allows you to immerse yourself in the community and experience daily life firsthand. This scouting phase is invaluable for gaining insights into the practical aspects of living in each country, from transportation and safety to healthcare and cost of living.


Do Your Research

Before embarking on your scouting trips, thorough research is essential. Take advantage of online resources to learn about the economic landscape, political stability, safety concerns, cultural customs, and experiences of other expats living in the country. Engage with expat forums, social media groups, and online communities to connect with individuals who can offer firsthand insights and advice based on their experiences.

By investing time and effort into pre-departure research and scouting trips, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions about where to live abroad. Remember, the key to a successful relocation is to approach the process with an open mind, flexibility, and a willingness to embrace new experiences and challenges. With careful planning and thoughtful consideration, you can turn your dream of living abroad into a rewarding reality.


Watch EXPATS TOOLKIT on YouTube 

Expats Toolkit has created a YouTube channel offering real experiences of moving and living abroad. I will share details of how to go about deciding to move, transitioning into a new country, and many other helpful tips to make this process go smoothly.


Assess Your Priorities

Begin by reflecting on your priorities and what matters most to you in a living environment. Consider factors such as climate, language, culture, cost of living, healthcare, safety, job opportunities, and quality of life. Make a list of non-negotiables and preferences to guide your decision-making process.

Once you’ve identified your priorities, start researching potential destinations that align with your criteria. Use online resources, guidebooks, expat forums, and testimonials to gather information about the countries you have selected. Gather information about their government, economics, quality of life, culture, and safety. Pay attention to visa requirements, residency options, taxation policies, and the overall ease of integration for foreigners.


Cost of Living

Consideration of the cost of living is paramount when choosing the right country to call home. While some destinations may offer a lower cost of living, others may come with a higher price tag. Factors such as housing, healthcare, transportation, and daily expenses can vary significantly from one country to another. Researching and comparing the cost of living in potential countries can provide valuable insights into affordability and help you budget effectively for your new life abroad. Keep in mind that while a lower cost of living may seem appealing, it’s essential to consider other factors such as quality of life, job opportunities, and overall lifestyle when making your decision.

cost of living

Visit Prospective Countries

If possible, plan visits to your top prospective countries to experience them firsthand. This is what I call scouting trips. Spending time in each destination will provide valuable insights into the local culture, lifestyle, infrastructure, and overall vibe. Consider staying for a minimum of 3–4 weeks in the country exploring different neighborhoods, visiting local supermarkets, touring medical clinics, and riding public transportation. Interact with residents to get a feel for daily life.


Asses Your Desired Atmosphere

Consider what you envision for your new life in terms of the living conditions in the prospective country. Determine whether you prefer urban or rural settings, and whether you favor seasonal variations in weather or prefer a more consistent climate. Assess the noise levels in the areas under consideration and evaluate whether they align with your preferences for daily living. Take note of the surroundings and consider whether they are compatible with your lifestyle on a day-to-day basis.


Seek Expert Advice

Consult with expat communities, relocation specialists, and legal advisors to gain expert insights and practical advice. These professionals can offer valuable guidance on navigating visa processes, finding housing, accessing healthcare, and overcoming common challenges associated with living abroad.


Consider Personal Adaptability

Evaluate your adaptability and willingness to embrace change. Living in a foreign country requires resilience, flexibility, and an open mind to adjust to new customs, norms, and cultural differences. Be honest with yourself about your ability to thrive in unfamiliar environments and handle potential challenges.

Language Barrier

Communication plays a significant role in adapting to life in a new country. Understanding the language barrier and the challenges of learning a new language are essential considerations when choosing a country to live in. Evaluate the difficulty of learning the local language and assess your willingness to embrace the language-learning process. Additionally, examine the socializing aspects of the country and how people typically interact and socialize. Consider your own socializing preferences and whether you tend to make friends easily. While navigating a language barrier may present initial challenges, approaching it with a positive mindset and embracing the opportunity to learn a new language can enrich your experience and facilitate meaningful connections with others in your new community.


Assess Long-Term Goals

Think about your long-term goals and aspirations for living abroad. Consider factors such as career advancement, education opportunities, family planning, retirement plans, and personal growth. Choose a country that aligns with your future plans and offers the resources and support you need to achieve your goals.


Trust Your Instincts

Ultimately, trust your instincts and intuition when choosing a country to live in. Pay attention to how you feel about each destination and whether it resonates with your values, interests, and lifestyle preferences. Listen to your inner voice and choose a place where you can envision yourself thriving and building a fulfilling life.


Family and Pets

Moving the family and pets abroad requires careful consideration of various factors, including the educational system, pet requirements, and the overall well-being of children. Researching the educational system in potential countries is crucial to ensuring that your children have access to quality education that meets their needs and preferences. Additionally, understanding the requirements and regulations for relocating pets to a new country is essential for a smooth transition. This may involve obtaining necessary vaccinations, health certificates, and quarantine procedures, depending on the destination. Ensuring that both your family members and furry companions are comfortable and well-cared for in their new environment is vital for a successful relocation experience.


Choosing the right country for living abroad is a deeply personal decision that requires thoughtful consideration and self-reflection. By assessing your priorities, researching potential destinations, seeking expert advice, and trusting your instincts, you can find the perfect place to embark on your international adventure. Whether you’re drawn to the vibrant culture of a bustling city, the tranquil beauty of a coastal paradise, or the rich history of a charming village, there’s a world of possibilities waiting to be explored.

If you are looking for more information about moving and living abroad, then visit Expats Toolkit.

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If you are looking to travel and need some tips on places to visit, then follow me, Traveling Lens Photography, on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

Happy Adventures!

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