  >  Expats Toolkit   >  Should I Move Abroad?
Should I Move Abroad

Living abroad sounds exciting. Sometimes we seek change in our lives and think that moving to a new place will fulfill us or help us to leave something behind. We must first delve into the fundamental question of “why” you want to embark on this life-changing journey. While a vacation may ignite the desire to live abroad, it’s essential to distinguish between the fleeting allure of travel and the realities of expatriate life.

Let’s explore key factors such as finances, personality assessment, cultural understanding, and language barriers to help you make an informed decision. From selecting the right country to examining healthcare options and adjusting your lifestyle, this chapter equips you with the insights and considerations needed to determine if moving abroad is the right path for you.


Start by thoroughly examining your current cost of living and evaluating how your income will be impacted if you plan to continue working while abroad. Keep in mind that finding employment in a foreign country can be challenging, so it’s crucial to have a robust savings plan in place. Aim to have at least six months’ worth of savings to provide a financial safety net as you embark on this life-changing journey. By taking proactive steps to secure your finances, you’ll be better prepared to navigate the transition and thrive in your new expatriate lifestyle.



It’s essential to conduct an introspective assessment to gauge your readiness for the expatriate lifestyle. Begin by asking yourself probing questions: Are you someone who thrives on challenges? Are you adaptable and open to change? Do you find it easy to navigate unfamiliar or unconventional situations? Living abroad entails embracing a multitude of new challenges that may differ vastly from your everyday routine. Thus, gaining a deep understanding of your own strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies is crucial for ensuring your success and fulfillment in your expatriate journey.


Cultural Differences

In exploring cultural differences, it is vital to recognize the profound impact these disparities can have on your day-to-day experiences. Reflect on your feelings regarding potentially not observing holidays or customs that hold significance to you in your home country. Additionally, ponder how you envision embracing and integrating into the cultural customs of the country you’re contemplating to live in. Adapting to new cultural norms requires openness, flexibility, and a willingness to immerse oneself fully in the local way of life. By acknowledging and preparing for these cultural variations, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities that come with living abroad.


Watch EXPATS TOOLKIT on YouTube 

Expats Toolkit has created a YouTube channel offering real experiences of moving and living abroad. I will share details of how to go about deciding to move, transitioning into a new country, and many other helpful tips to make this process go smoothly.



Addressing the language barriers is crucial as you prepare for life abroad. Recognize that simply immersing yourself in a new language may not always be sufficient, especially initially. Consider how you’ll navigate communication challenges in the early stages of your move. Will you find it daunting to communicate in a language you’re not proficient in? It’s essential to understand that not all countries have widespread English speakers. Additionally, reflect on your attitude towards receiving corrections while speaking—a common occurrence when learning a new language. Embrace the inevitable mistakes as part of the learning process and be open to feedback from native speakers. By proactively addressing language barriers, you’ll ease your transition into your new cultural and linguistic environment.


Choosing the Country

Selecting the right country for your move abroad is a pivotal decision that requires thorough consideration. Beyond the allure of a vacation destination, it’s essential to assess whether the country aligns with your long-term lifestyle and preferences. To truly gauge its suitability, I recommend conducting an in-depth exploration through an extended visit lasting 3 to 4 weeks. During this time, immerse yourself in the local culture by residing in an apartment and experiencing day-to-day life firsthand. While online resources and videos can offer insights, nothing beats the firsthand experience of being on the ground. This immersive approach allows you to discern whether the country resonates with you on a personal level and meets your practical needs. Remember, what may be a dream destination for one person could be unsuitable for another. By investing time in thorough research and firsthand experience, you’ll make an informed decision that sets the stage for a fulfilling life abroad.



Examining your health is a crucial aspect of planning your move abroad. Begin by assessing any existing health conditions and researching whether the necessary treatments are readily available in your chosen country. Consider the quality and accessibility of healthcare services, as well as the associated costs. It’s prudent to explore whether health insurance is mandatory for residency and understand the coverage it provides. Additionally, verify the availability of medications you rely on and the process for obtaining them. Prioritizing your health ensures peace of mind and lays the foundation for a fulfilling life abroad.


Family and Friends

Considering the impact on your family is essential when planning a move abroad. Start by communicating your plans with your loved ones and listening to their input. Discuss how your decision may affect your relationships, especially with grown children or elderly parents. Address concerns about distance and the potential impact on your ability to visit or care for family members. Embrace the idea of maintaining connections through technology and be prepared to invest effort into building new friendships in your new home. Developing coping skills to manage feelings of loneliness or homesickness is crucial for a smooth transition. By involving your family in the process and fostering open communication, you can embark on this journey with confidence and minimize regrets.


Your Stuff

Preparing to move abroad involves evaluating your possessions and deciding what to do with them. Consider whether you’re willing to sell your home, car, or belongings, and how attached you are to them. While parting with your belongings can be difficult, embracing the freedom of living with less can be rewarding. Assess which items you can live without and plan how to store or ship them to your new country. Keep in mind that electrical outlets and living spaces may differ, so some items may not be compatible or fit in your new home. Embracing the process of letting go of possessions is an important step towards successfully transitioning to life abroad.


Daily Life

Imagining your daily life in a new country can be challenging, but it’s crucial to consider what your routine might look like and why you’re making the move. Reflect on whether you’ll find fulfillment and joy in your new surroundings, and whether your quality of life will improve. If you’re retiring abroad, think about how you’ll fill your free time and whether there are enough activities to keep you engaged and content. Understanding your motivations for moving abroad is essential for envisioning the life you want and ensuring that it aligns with your aspirations and expectations.

Daily Life

In conclusion, moving abroad is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. From financial readiness to cultural adaptation, health concerns, and lifestyle changes, there are numerous aspects to contemplate before embarking on this journey. By thoroughly examining your motivations, assessing your preparedness, and addressing potential challenges, you can make informed decisions that pave the way for a successful transition. Remember to stay open-minded, flexible, and resilient as you navigate the complexities of living in a foreign country. With thorough planning, realistic expectations, and a willingness to embrace new experiences, moving abroad can be a rewarding and enriching adventure.

If you are looking for more information about moving and living abroad, then visit Expats Toolkit.

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If you are looking to travel and need some tips on places to visit, then follow me, Traveling Lens Photography, on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

Happy Adventures!

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